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To strategically create as many words as possible; gain as many points as possible; use all drawn letter tiles as possible; and challenge the ability of quick thinking while playing under pressure.


1 Arbiter and 4 Players

In normal setting, QUICK 2 GAME is played by 4 players. *In tournaments, QUICK 2 GAME CHALLENGE final round is played by 2 players. 


1. QUICK 2 GAME starts by putting the 128 Letter Tiles face down.


2. First whistle by the arbiter signals the players to get 10 letter tiles face down.


3. Second whistle signals the players to put their hands on the table.


4. Third Whistle signals the players to open the tiles and start to create as many words as possible using the first ten letter tiles.


5. The first player to create word/s using the 10 letter tiles needs to say “QUICK 2”. This signals each player to get 2 letter tiles from the center of the table.


Quick 2 Game continues using all 128 letter tiles.


During the game, the player is allowed to strategically change his formed word/s.


In the event that all players still have unused tile/s and is challenged to create word/s, the arbiter can say “QUICK 2”, which signals the players to draw 2 letter tiles. Repetition of word is allowed.


6. Once all the 128 tiles are drawn, the first player who has used all his letter tiles starts the 10-second timer. This gives other players the time to use all left letter tiles as possible.


7. Quick 2 Game ends when the 10-second timer is done.


8. Unused letter tiles from other players will be given to the first player who finished the QUICK 2 GAME. 


9. Each player writes his vertically and horizontally formed words on the score sheet and the score of each word. It will be submitted to the arbiter for verification.


10. The player who gets the highest score wins the game.


Score is determined by adding the value of each horizontally and vertically formed word. 


The letter value of each unused tile gained by the first player who finished will be added to his score

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